Disk management

Partition managers

Partition Master Professional

iconPartition Master Professional is an easy to use yet powerful disk partitioning utility that lets you create, delete, format, resize and move disk partitions to make the best use of your available disk space. It's a great alternative to Norton Partition Magic™.

Partition Master Server Edition

iconPartition Master Server Edition is a powerful disk partitioning utility for systems administrators and anyone who needs to partition drives on Windows servers. It lets you easily and safely create, delete, format, resize and move disk partitions to make the best use of disk space. NTFS partitions can be extended without rebooting. Now supports drives up to 2TB.

Paragon Hard Disk Manager Suite

iconParagon Hard Disk Manager is an all-in-one suite that helps protect, maintain and manage a Windows PC. It includes all the tools you need to make the best use of today's high capacity hard drives including backup, recovery and performance optimization.

Disk space management

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

iconAdvanced Uninstaller PRO is probably the most powerful Windows uninstaller and cleanup tool on the market. It makes uninstalling software easy. It can completely remove all traces of an installed application, and it has tools to clean up, tune and optimize your PC - and a lot more.

Windows XP Update Remover

iconWindows XP Update Remover provides a quick and easy way to delete the backup files left behind after every Windows update so as to reclaim valuable disk space. It can also remove Windows updates that are causing trouble with your computer.

Drive monitoring


icon DriveSitter is a small utility that runs in the background and constantly checks the health of your hard drive. If something starts to go wrong, it tells you. DriveSitter reliably detects most sudden hard disk failures, so you can back up your files and replace the hard drive before it happens.